CrossFit Modern – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)


3 Sets:

:45 @easy effort

:15 @hard effort


3 Sets:

10 Banded Straight Arm Lat Pull-Dow ( :3 Hold)

5 Push-Up into Downward Dog

:30 Hollow Hold

5/5 Banded External Rotation ( :3-5 Hold)


10:00 Review

If you have T2B then use this as extra time to make sure you are primed and ready.

You can also use this time to test out a couple strict T2B and see how close to the bar you can get.

If you do not have T2B this is your time to work on them and dial in that technique.

Dogs can’t operate MRI machines. But catscan. (Checkmark)


EMOM x20

Min 1: 3 Strict T2B

Min 2: 12/10 Cal Echo Bike

Min 3: 10 T2B

Min 4: 12/10 Cal Row

Min 5: Rest


EMOM x20

Min 1: 5 Strict T2B

Min 2: 15/12 Cal Echo Bike

Min 3: 10 T2B

Min 4: 15/12 Cal Row

Min 5: Rest


EMOM x20

Min 1: 3-5 Strict Leg Raises

Min 2: 10/8 Cal Echo Bike

Min 3: 8 Knees 2 Chest or 15 Abmat Sit-Ups

Min 4: 10/8 Cal Row

Min 5: Rest

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Modern Athletics

1180 N Studebaker Rd
Long Beach, CA 90815
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Need to Call us? 714.276.8660

On the south east side of long beach, on Studebaker road east of Cal state long beach.


We welcome drop-in’s from other gym's all over the world!  Come on by, we’d love to meet you. Drop-ins are just $20/class! 

Modern Athletics

1180 N Studebaker Rd
Long Beach, CA 90815
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Need to Call us?


On the south east side of long beach, on Studebaker road east of Cal state long beach.

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