CrossFit Modern – CrossFit
Prep: Warm-up (No Measure)
5 Cat Cow
10+10 Shoulder Dips + Rotations
5/side Lying T-4 rotation
20 90/90 + progression
5/side T-4 rotation in Lunge
20 Standing Thoracic Mobilization w/FR and PVC
Glutes activation (mini band below the knees):
10 Hip Bridges
10 Horizontal Squats
10/10 Kneeling Firehydrant
10/10 Ultimate Side Plank
10/4 Direction Walking Plank w/Block
10 Standing Row
10 Standing 90/90
10 Bear Hug
Build: Bent Over Row (4 sets 8 reps @RPE6-7)
1 set 8 reps @empty bar
2 sets 8 reps @build weight
4 sets 8 reps @RPE6-7
4 sets 10 reps DBs Skull Crushers (lying)
build weight for 20 min, rest 60-90 sec
prebrace before moving weight
keep spine locked in Neutral
Head motionless – double Chin
Comp: ‘Ellen’ (Time)
3 Rounds of:
21/16 Cal Row
14 DB Snatch
7 Shoulder to Overhead
(Amrap Burpee in remaining time )
Time cap 15 min
3 Rounds of:
20 Burpees
21 DB Snatches 35/25
12 DBs Thrusters 35/25
Time cap 15 min
3 Rounds of:
20 Burpees
21 DB Snatches light
12 DBs Thrusters light
Time cap 15 min
Power: ‘Ellen’ (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
3-5 Rounds for Quality:
10 Burpees
14 DB Snatches (choose weight, build)
7 DBs Thrusters (choose weight, build)
—rest as needed—
Time cap 15 min
Burn: ‘Ellen’ (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
10 Burpees
14 DB Snatches 35/25
7 DBs Thrusters 35/25
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