CrossFit Modern – CrossFit

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Iron Core Guru

Iron Core Guru is an author program that combines joint mobilization, glutes and core activation, and postural work to support spine health and ease joint and back pain. This set of controlled movements promotes stability and balance, guided by intentional breathing for effective rehabilitation and injury prevention. Perfect for prepping the body with a strong, pain-free foundation.

We are learning how to move our body in the most ergonomic and healthiest way building the foundation for pain free motions by using a variety of activation and corrective exercises.

A: Mobility (Checkmark)

5-8 Cat Cow

10 Shoulder Dips

10 Shoulder Rotations

5/side T-4 Rotation kneeling

5/side Foam Roller Rolls out

10 Banded Foam Roller Rolls out

5/side T-4 Rotation lying

5 Child Pose+Sides

5/leg Adductor Activation

10/leg Hip Flexor Activation

20 90/90 or Shin Box

5/side T-4 Rotation in Lunge

20 sec/side Warrior Pose

5-8 kneeling Thoracic Mobilization w/Bench

5/arm Single Arm Thoracic Mobilization w/Bench

20 T-4 Rotation standing

B: Shoulder Activation (Checkmark)

Kneeling w/red or purple Band:

10 Presses

10 90/90 Rotations

Over the Wall:

10 Ext Rotat

10/10/10 Straight Arms 3 Levels

10/side Diagonals

10/arm 90/90

Engaging Core:

10/side Stir the Pot

10 Raises of the Wall

10/side Bear Crawl Rocks

C: Big 3 by McGil (Checkmark)

5/side Curl Up + Variation Arm over Head

20/side Side Bridge/Side Star Plank

5-10/side Bird Dog + Variation Palm in Fist/draw a Square/10 sec Pause

10 Crocodile Breathing w/Weight

D: Glutes Activation (Checkmark)

W/Band below (harder) or above (lighter) the Knees:

10 Hip Bridges

10 Knee Opennings

10 Horizontal Squat

10/side kneeling Firehydrant

10/side Ultimate Side Plank (Clamshell)


10/side Side Steps

10/back/forth Monster Walk

10/side Standing Firehydrant

10 Air Squats/Squats to Bench Tap w/3 Level of Spine Control


3 sets of Copenhagen Plank w/Progressions:

10 sec/side Hold

10/side Knee2Knee

10/side Runner

E: Core Activation (Checkmark)

10+10 Weighted Dead Bug

20 sec 3 Month Baby Plank + 10 Taps

10 Baby Get Up w/FR

10 Plank + Taps w/Abmat

F: Standing Core+Knee Activation (Checkmark)

5/leg Airplane w/Progressions: Banded, w/Rotation, Bosu

5/leg Lunge + Rev Lunge

5/leg Wide Split Squats

10/leg Single Leg Get Up

10/leg Bulgarian Split Squat Feet on: bench, TRX or Ring, plus jump

G: Superset 1: (Checkmark)

3 Sets:

10/4 Direction Walking Plank

10/arm Bug of the Wall

8/10/12 Antirotational Lunges

H: Superset 2: (Checkmark)

3 Sets:

5-10/side 4.5 Month Baby Plank

6/leg kneeling HALO

10/12/15/side Side Wallball Throws

I: Superset 3 (Checkmark)

3 Sets:

10+10 Band Pull Down+Dead Bug Legs

10/4 Directions Bear Crawl w/Abmat

10/arm Banded Side Punch Standing

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Modern Athletics

1180 N Studebaker Rd
Long Beach, CA 90815
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Need to Call us? 714.276.8660

On the south east side of long beach, on Studebaker road east of Cal state long beach.


We welcome drop-in’s from other gym's all over the world!  Come on by, we’d love to meet you. Drop-ins are just $20/class! 

Modern Athletics

1180 N Studebaker Rd
Long Beach, CA 90815
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Need to Call us?


On the south east side of long beach, on Studebaker road east of Cal state long beach.

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