CrossFit Modern – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
5 Cat Cow
10+10 Shoulder Dips + Rotations
5/side Lying T-4 rotation
20 90/90 + progression
5/side T-4 rotation in Lunge
8 Thoracic Mobilization Elbows On Bench
Big 3/Core
5/side Curl Up (5-10 lbs plate on stomach) focus on breathing
20 sec/ Side Plank (last 5 sec leg up)
10 Bird Dog w/palm in fist
Glutes activation (mini band below the knees):
10/Side Step
10 Monster Walk
10/Leg Standing Firehydrant
10 Air Squats w/Mini Band Below Knee and PVC (3 Levels of Spine Control)
Shoulder Mobilization – mini band on the wrists, back on the wall or post.
6/leg kneeling HALO plate 15/10
5/leg Lunge+Rev Lunge
Empty Barbell Warm Up:
2 Hip Muscle Clean
2 Strict Presses
2 Mid Shin Muscle Clean
2 Split Jerks
—repeat if needed—
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