CrossFit Modern – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)


5 Cat Cow

10+10 Shoulder Dips + Rotations

5/side Kneeling T-4 rotation

20 90/90 + progression

5/side T-4 rotation in Lunge

5 Kneeling Thoracic Mobilization Elbows on Bench

Big 3/Core

5/side Curl Up (5-10 lbs Plate on Stomach)

20 sec/ Side Plank

10 Bird Dog w/fist in palm block on small side

Glutes activation (mini band below the knees):

10 Hip bridges

10 Horizontal squat

10/side Kneeling Fire hydrant

10 Ultimate side plank

10 Air Squat Band on Ankles PVC 3 Levels of Spine Control

5/leg Airplane

Shoulder mobilization with mini band over wrist standing over the wall or rack


5/side Rotational Plank

5 180 rotation Jump

Empty Barbell Warm Up:

2 Muscle Power Cleans (Pocket)

2 Mid Shin Muscle Squat Cleans

2 Front Squat w/2 sec Pause in the Bottom

-repeat if needed-

Lift: Squat Clean (1 set 2 rep @RPE8-9)

1 set 2 rep @empty barbell

4-5 sets 2 reps @build weight

1 sets 2 reps @working weight RPE 8-9

in remaining time

2-3 sets @ minus 10% of working weight

build weight for 20 min, 60-90 sec rest b/n sets

focus on staying over the bar till hip contact

keep barbell slightly off the body during the pull

active lats, s houlders back and down on start, spend some time to set it up

Comp: A Lot of Work (Time)


Team of 2:

1000 m Row

30 T2B

40 Alt Single Arm DB Snatch 50/35

50 Wallballs 20/14

40 Alt Single Arm DB Snatch 50/35

30 Pull Ups

1000 m Run

Time cap 20 min


Team of 2:

1000 m Row

30 K2C

40 Alt Single Arm DB Snatch 35/25

50 Wallballs 20/14

40 Alt Single Arm DB Snatch 35/25

30 Pull Ups/Ring Rows

1000 m Run

Time cap 20 min


Team of 2:

800 m Row

30 V-Ups

40 Alt Single Arm DB Snatch light

50 Wallballs light

40 Alt Single Arm DB Snatch light

30 Ring Rows

800 m Run

Time cap 20 min

Power: A Lot of Work (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

3-5 Rounds for Quality:

200 m Row or Run

10 T2B/K2C/V-Ups

16 Alt Single Arm DB Snatch (choose weight)

15 Wallballs 20/14

10 Pull Ups/Ring Rows

—rest as needed—

Burn: A Lot of Work (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


200 m Row or Run

10 T2B/K2C/V-Ups

16 Alt Single Arm DB Snatch 35/25

15 Wallballs 20/14

10 Pull Ups/Ring Rows

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Modern Athletics

1180 N Studebaker Rd
Long Beach, CA 90815
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On the south east side of long beach, on Studebaker road east of Cal state long beach.


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Modern Athletics

1180 N Studebaker Rd
Long Beach, CA 90815
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Need to Call us?


On the south east side of long beach, on Studebaker road east of Cal state long beach.

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