CrossFit Modern – CrossFit
Prep: Warm-up (No Measure)
5 Cat Cow
10+10 Shoulder Dips + Rotations
5/side Lying T-4 rotation
5/5 Single Arm Foam Roller Rolls Out
8 Kneeling Foam Roller Rolls Outs w/mini band 2 Arms
20 90/90 + Progressions
5/side T-4 rotation in Lunge
8 Kneeling Thoracic Mobilization
Big 3/Core
5/side Curl Up (5-10 lbs plate on stomach) focus on breathing
20 sec/ Side Plank (last 5 sec leg up)
4 Bird Dog w/10 sec pause
Glutes Activation (with mini band below the knees):
10 Hip Bridges
10 Horizontal Squat
10/Side Kneeling Firehydrant
10/Leg Ultimate Side Plank
Shoulder Mobilization
-kneeling w/yellow or red band-
10 shoulder presses +
10 rotations 90/90
5/ Arm Dead Bug w/light plates block b/n knees
5/ Leg Dead Bug Straight Arms Overhead w/block
-alt with-
2 Behind The Head Push Press
2 Overhead Squat w/pause in the middle and in the bottom
Skill: Snatch Balance (3 sets 3 reps @RPE6)
1 set 3 reps @Empty Bar
2-3 sets 3 rep @Build Weight
3 sets 3 rep @RPE6
build weight for 20 min , 60-90 sec rest b/n sets
focus on traps down on start and up in catch
armpits up to lock control barbell overhead
prebrace yourself to have stability (close mouth)
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